PHP code for a 4-band resistor color code calculator

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<title>4-Band Resistor Color Code Calculator</title>
	<h1>4-Band Resistor Color Code Calculator</h1>
	<form method="post">
			<label for="band1">Band 1:</label>
			<input type="text" name="band1" id="band1">
			<label for="band2">Band 2:</label>
			<input type="text" name="band2" id="band2">
			<label for="band3">Multiplier:</label>
			<input type="text" name="band3" id="band3">
			<label for="band4">Tolerance:</label>
			<input type="text" name="band4" id="band4">
			<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Calculate Resistance">
		// Define the color code array
		$color_codes = array(
			'black' => 0,
			'brown' => 1,
			'red' => 2,
			'orange' => 3,
			'yellow' => 4,
			'green' => 5,
			'blue' => 6,
			'violet' => 7,
			'gray' => 8,
			'white' => 9

		// Check if the form has been submitted
		if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
			// Get user input for resistor colors
			$band1 = strtolower(trim($_POST['band1']));
			$band2 = strtolower(trim($_POST['band2']));
			$band3 = strtolower(trim($_POST['band3']));
			$band4 = strtolower(trim($_POST['band4']));

			// Calculate resistance value
			$resistance = ($color_codes[$band1] * 10 + $color_codes[$band2]) * pow(10, $color_codes[$band3]);

			// Determine the tolerance value
			switch ($band4) {
				case 'gold':
					$tolerance = 5;
				case 'silver':
					$tolerance = 10;
					$tolerance = 20;

			// Print the result
			echo "<p>The resistance value is: " . $resistance . " ohms +/- " . $tolerance . "%</p>";

This code uses a form to get user input for the resistor colors, and then uses PHP to calculate the resistance value and the tolerance value based on the fourth band. The switch statement is used to determine the tolerance value based on the color of the fourth band (gold = 5%, silver = 10%, other colors = 20%). The calculated resistance value and the tolerance value are then displayed using the echo statement.

JavaScript code to calculate the resistance value of a resistor based on its color bands

Here's an example JavaScript code to calculate the resistance value of a resistor based on its color bands:

const colorCodes = {
  'black': 0,
  'brown': 1,
  'red': 2,
  'orange': 3,
  'yellow': 4,
  'green': 5,
  'blue': 6,
  'violet': 7,
  'gray': 8,
  'white': 9

const firstBand = 'brown'; // replace with the actual color of the first band
const secondBand = 'black'; // replace with the actual color of the second band
const thirdBand = 'red'; // replace with the actual color of the third band

const multiplier = 1;
const tolerance = 0.05;

const firstDigit = colorCodes[firstBand];
const secondDigit = colorCodes[secondBand];
const thirdDigit = colorCodes[thirdBand];

const ohms = (firstDigit * 10 + secondDigit) * multiplier;
const ohmsString = ohms.toFixed(2);

console.log(`Resistance value: ${ohmsString} ohms (+/-${tolerance})`);

PHP code to calculate the resistance value of a resistor based on its color bands

Here's an example PHP code to calculate the resistance value of a resistor based on its color bands:


$color_codes = [
    'black' => 0,
    'brown' => 1,
    'red' => 2,
    'orange' => 3,
    'yellow' => 4,
    'green' => 5,
    'blue' => 6,
    'violet' => 7,
    'gray' => 8,
    'white' => 9

$first_band = 'brown'; // replace with the actual color of the first band
$second_band = 'black'; // replace with the actual color of the second band
$third_band = 'red'; // replace with the actual color of the third band

$multiplier = 1;
$tolerance = 0.05;

$first_digit = $color_codes[$first_band];
$second_digit = $color_codes[$second_band];
$third_digit = $color_codes[$third_band];

$ohms = ($first_digit * 10 + $second_digit) * $multiplier;
$ohms_string = number_format($ohms, 2);

echo "Resistance value: {$ohms_string} ohms (+/-{$tolerance})";


Code for a browser Request Cookies

Here's an example code for sending and receiving request cookies using JavaScript:

Sending a request cookie:

To send a request cookie, you simply include it in the headers of the HTTP request. Here's an example using the fetch API:

fetch('/api/data', {
  headers: {
    'Cookie': 'name=value'
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => console.log(data))
  .catch(error => console.error(error));

This code sends a GET request to /api/data with a request cookie named name and value value. The fetch API includes the cookie in the headers of the request, using the Cookie header.

Receiving a request cookie:

To receive a request cookie, you can access it in the headers of the HTTP response. Here's an example using the express framework in Node.js:

const express = require('express');
const app = express();

app.get('/api/data', (req, res) => {
  const myCookie = req.headers.cookie.split(';').find(cookie => cookie.trim().startsWith('name='));
  if (myCookie) {
    const cookieValue = myCookie.split('=')[1];
    res.send(`Received cookie value: ${cookieValue}`);
  } else {
    res.send('No cookie found');

app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server listening on port 3000'));

This code defines an HTTP server that listens for GET requests to /api/data. When a request is received, the server checks the headers of the request for a cookie named name. If the cookie is found, the server extracts its value and sends a response containing the value. Otherwise, the server sends a response indicating that no cookie was found.

Note that request cookies are set by the client in the HTTP request headers, and can be retrieved by the server as shown above. The specific method for setting request cookies may vary depending on the client-side technology being used.

- All From ChatGPT