Feeding and Maintaining Nightcrawlers

Feeding and Maintaining Nightcrawlers

1. What to Feed Nightcrawlers

Nightcrawlers thrive on organic matter, but they need a balanced diet. Here’s what to give them:

Best Foods:

  • Vegetable scraps (lettuce, carrots, potatoes, squash)
  • Fruit scraps (banana peels, apple cores – in moderation)
  • Coffee grounds & filters (boosts microbial activity)
  • Crushed eggshells (helps neutralize pH and provides calcium)
  • Oatmeal, cornmeal, or soaked bread (as an occasional treat)

🚫 Avoid:

  • Citrus & acidic foods (oranges, tomatoes, pineapple – too acidic)
  • Onions & garlic (can be toxic)
  • Dairy & meats (rots too fast, attracts pests)
  • Greasy or salty foods (bad for their digestive system)

2. Feeding Tips

  • Chop food into small pieces to speed up decomposition.
  • Bury food scraps slightly in the bedding to prevent fruit flies.
  • Feed in moderation—only add more food when the previous batch is mostly consumed.
  • Rotate feeding spots to distribute nutrients evenly.

3. Maintaining Their Environment

Moisture: Bedding should be damp like a wrung-out sponge—mist with water if it gets dry.
Aeration: Gently fluff the bedding weekly to prevent compacting.
Temperature: Keep between 55–77°F (13–25°C)—too hot or too cold can slow down activity.
pH Balance: If bedding gets too acidic (worms trying to escape), add crushed eggshells or lime.
Harvesting Castings: Every 2–3 months, remove some of the worm castings (worm poop) and refresh bedding.


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