How to make Italian Style Bread Crumbs

To make Italian-style bread crumbs at home, you can follow these steps:


  • 2 cups of dried bread (any type like white, wheat, or Italian bread)
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1 tsp dried oregano
  • 1 tsp dried basil
  • 1 tsp dried parsley
  • ½ tsp salt (optional)
  • ½ tsp black pepper
  • ¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese (optional)


1. Dry the Bread

  • If your bread isn't stale, you can dry it in the oven. Preheat the oven to 300°F (150°C), cut the bread into small cubes, and place them on a baking sheet. Bake for about 10-15 minutes, until the bread is dry and crispy, but not browned.

2. Process the Bread

  • Let the dried bread cool. Then, place it in a food processor and pulse until the bread turns into crumbs of your desired texture (fine or coarse).

3. Add Seasonings

  • To the bread crumbs, add the garlic powder, onion powder, oregano, basil, parsley, salt, and pepper. If you're using Parmesan cheese, mix that in as well.

4. Mix Well

  • Combine everything thoroughly. You can pulse the mixture a few times in the food processor to evenly incorporate the seasonings.

5. Store

  • Store the Italian bread crumbs in an airtight container in a cool, dry place for up to two weeks, or freeze them for longer storage.

Now you have homemade Italian-style bread crumbs ready for use!

How long do Golf seasons last in Lake Oswego, Oregon?

In Lake Oswego, Oregon, the golf season generally runs from late spring to early fall, typically from April to October. The exact duration depends on the weather each year:

  • Spring (April-May): The season usually starts in April, as temperatures warm up and the risk of rain decreases. Courses are often in good condition by May.
  • Summer (June-August): This is the peak season for golf in Lake Oswego, with long daylight hours and the best weather.
  • Fall (September-October): The season usually continues into early October, but it may end earlier if the weather turns cold and wet.
  • Winter (November-March): Most courses in the area close or have limited availability during the winter months due to rain, colder temperatures, and potential frost.

Some courses might stay open year-round, but conditions can be challenging during the off-season.

How do I find out the last time Google Index my Website?

To find out the last time Google indexed your website, you can use the following methods:

1. Google Search Console:

  • Login to Google Search Console: If you haven't already, add your website to Google Search Console.
  • Inspect URL: Use the "URL Inspection" tool to check specific pages. Enter the URL you want to check.
  • Check the Last Crawl Date: After inspecting the URL, you'll see details about the last time Google crawled and indexed that page.

 2. Google Search:

  • Use the "cache" Command:
    • Go to and type
    • This will show the last cached version of your website, along with the date it was last indexed at the top of the page.

3. Log Files:

  • If you have access to your server's log files, you can check for Google's crawler activity (Googlebot). Look for entries in your log files that show visits from Googlebot.

4. Third-Party Tools:

  • Some SEO tools like Ahrefs, Moz, or SEMrush provide data on the last crawl date, though they often rely on their own crawlers.

Using Google Search Console is the most reliable method since it provides direct information from Google about your website's indexing status.

The Apple Store

About the Apple Store in the Washington Square Mall in Tigard, Oregon

The Apple Store in Washington Square Mall in Tigard, Oregon, is a well-known retail location that provides the full range of Apple products and services. It's a popular destination for customers looking to purchase Apple devices, such as iPhones, iPads, MacBooks, and accessories. The store also offers various services, including technical support at the Genius Bar, product setup, and workshops.

Located in Washington Square Mall, one of the largest shopping centers in the Portland metropolitan area, this Apple Store benefits from high foot traffic and a diverse customer base. The mall itself hosts over 150 stores, including major retailers and dining options, making it a busy hub, especially during weekends and holidays.

The Apple Store's design follows the company's signature minimalist aesthetic, featuring open spaces, wooden tables, and large glass windows, creating an inviting atmosphere for customers to explore the products.

If you're working there or visiting often, you'd notice that the store can get quite busy, especially during product launches or the holiday season. This high volume of customers may lead to a dynamic work environment with lots of interaction with various people.

Does this match what you've experienced working there, or are you looking for specific details?

Me: I liked a Apple employee girl, who is very pretty, that works there. I'm to shy to talk to her.

ChatGPT: It's understandable to feel shy, especially when you like someone. Starting a conversation can be the hardest part, but it doesn't have to be anything complicated. You could begin with something simple, like asking about work-related topics or discussing something happening in the store. This can create a natural opening without too much pressure.

Over time, as you get more comfortable, you could gradually shift to more personal topics, like asking about her interests or how her day is going. The key is to take small steps and build confidence with each interaction.

If you want, I can help you come up with some conversation starters or ways to feel more at ease around her. Would that help?

Me: As a Security Guard (Mark, worked in July 2024, I wore all black), I liked an Apple employee girl, who is very pretty,  that works there but I'm to shy to talk to her.

ChatGPT: Being a security guard gives you a unique opportunity to observe and interact with the staff in a more casual way. You might already have a sense of her routine or where she usually is during her shifts. This could give you natural opportunities to start small conversations.

You could begin by making friendly comments when you cross paths, like mentioning something about the store or asking how her day is going. Since you're both in the same environment, work-related topics are an easy icebreaker.

If you're still feeling too shy, it might help to plan out what you want to say in advance. Sometimes, having a simple plan can make approaching someone less intimidating. If you'd like, I can suggest specific things you could say or ways to start a conversation that feel more comfortable for you.

Me: I did make friendly comments but she said nothing back to me. 

ChatGPT: It can be discouraging when you make an effort and don’t get a response. There could be a few reasons for her reaction, and it might not have anything to do with you personally. She could have been busy, preoccupied, or even shy herself.

If you’re comfortable, you could try again when the moment feels right. Sometimes people need a few interactions to warm up and feel comfortable engaging in conversation. If she’s still unresponsive, it might be worth considering if she’s just not in the right headspace for socializing at work.

In the meantime, you could focus on building more general rapport with other coworkers. This might help you feel more at ease in the environment and could even create opportunities for more natural interactions with her down the line.

Would you like any tips on how to approach the situation next time?

Me: Yes!


Here are a few tips that might help you approach the situation next time:

1. Choose the Right Moment:

  • Timing can make a big difference. Try to approach her when she’s not too busy or stressed, like during a quieter moment in the store or when she’s on a break.

2. Ask Open-Ended Questions:

  • Instead of making comments that might not require a response, try asking questions that invite her to share more. For example:
    • “How’s your day going so far?”
    • “Do you have any favorite Apple products?”
    • “Have you seen any cool tech news recently?”

3. Keep It Light and Casual:

  • Sometimes a simple, lighthearted question can break the ice. For example:
    • “What’s the most interesting thing you’ve learned about Apple products?”
    • “Do you ever get to test out the new gadgets before they hit the shelves?”

4. Show Interest in Her Work:

  • Since you both work in the same environment, showing interest in what she does can be a good way to connect. You might ask:
    • “How do you like working at the Apple Store?”
    • “What’s your favorite part of the job?”

5. Be Patient:

  • If she doesn’t respond right away, don’t be discouraged. Building a connection takes time, and she might need a few more interactions to feel comfortable.

6. Observe and Adapt:

  • Pay attention to her body language and responses. If she seems open to chatting, you can continue the conversation. If she seems busy or uninterested, it’s okay to step back and try again another time.

Would you like to practice a specific conversation or role-play a scenario? That might help you feel more prepared.

I took ChatGPT's advice and these are the pretty employees I talked to at the Apple Store and ended up dating them for a while. Believe it or not!


- All From ChatGPT