How Red Worms Eat?
Red worms don’t have teeth, so they rely on microorganisms to help break down food before they eat it. Here’s how they consume food in your Worm Factory 360:
🐛 How Red Worms Eat
- Microbes & Decomposition – Worms wait for bacteria and fungi to soften the food. This can take a few days.
- Suction & Grinding – Worms suck in softened food and grind it in their gizzard (using tiny grit particles like eggshells).
- Digestion & Casting Production – The food moves through their intestines, breaking down further, and is excreted as worm castings (nutrient-rich compost).
⏳ Why Haven’t They Eaten the Veggies Yet?
If you put fresh cut veggies in a few days ago and they’re still there, it’s likely because:
✔ The food hasn’t decomposed enough – Worms prefer slightly rotted, softened food.
✔ The temperature is too cold – Ideal range is 60–75°F.
✔ Worms are adjusting – If your colony is small, they may take longer to eat scraps.
🚀 How to Speed Up Worm Feeding
✅ Chop or blend scraps – The smaller, the faster they break down.
✅ Freeze & thaw food first – Softens cell walls, making it easier for microbes to break down.
✅ Bury food under bedding – Keeps moisture in and prevents pests.
✅ Add a bit of crushed eggshell – Helps digestion by providing grit for their gizzards.
💡 Tip: If food is still untouched after a week, remove some and try softer options like banana peels, cooked squash, or melon rinds.