There is a saying that there are two kinds of people in this things happen or make things happen

Yes, this is a common saying that suggests that people can be divided into two categories based on their approach to life: those who take action and make things happen, and those who simply observe events as they unfold.

People who watch things happen tend to be more passive and reactive, waiting for things to unfold before taking action. They may be content to let others take the lead, or may lack the motivation or confidence to take initiative themselves.

On the other hand, people who make things happen tend to be more proactive and goal-oriented. They are not content to sit back and wait for things to happen, but instead take action to achieve their goals and make a difference in the world.

Of course, this is a simplification and many people fall somewhere in between these two categories. However, the saying is a useful reminder that taking action and making things happen is often the key to success and fulfillment in life.

Code for a Review Snippet for Business

Here's an example of the code for implementing a Review Snippet for a Business in Google:

<div itemscope itemtype="">
  <div itemprop="itemReviewed" itemscope itemtype="">
    <h1 >Business Name</h1>
    <img  src="/business-image.jpg" alt="Business Image">
  <div itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype="">
    <span >4.5</span> out of
    <span >5</span>
  <div  >
    <span >Reviewer Name</span>
  <div itemprop="reviewBody">
    This business is amazing. The staff is friendly and helpful, and the service is top-notch.
  <div >2022-03-01</div>

In this example, we have a Review for a Local Business with a name and an image, a rating value (4.5) and the author's name, review body and date published. Note that the itemscope and itemtype attributes are used to define the type of schema being used, and the itemprop attribute is used to specify which property each element represents.

Code for a Review Snippet for Product

Here's an example of the code for implementing a Review Snippet in Google:

<div itemscope itemtype="">
  <div itemprop="itemReviewed" itemscope itemtype="">
    <h1 >Product Name</h1>
    <img  src="/product-image.jpg" alt="Product Image">
  <div itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype="">
    <span >4.5</span> out of
    <span >5</span>
  <div  >
    <span >Reviewer Name</span>
  <div itemprop="reviewBody">
    This product is great. I've been using it for a month and it has exceeded my expectations.
  <div >2022-03-01</div>

In this example, we have a Review for a Product with a name and an image, a rating value (4.5) and the author's name, review body and date published. Note that the itemscope and itemtype attributes are used to define the type of schema being used, and the itemprop attribute is used to specify which property each element represents.

An example of the code for implementing the Business Aggregate Rating Schema in Google

<div itemscope itemtype="">
  <h1 >Business Name</h1>
  <img  src="/business-image.jpg" alt="Business Image">
  <div  >
    <span >4.5</span> out of
    <span >5</span> based on
    <span itemprop="ratingCount">100</span> reviews.

In this example, we have a Local Business with a name and an image, and an Aggregate Rating section that includes the rating value (4.5), the best possible rating value (5), and the number of reviews (100). Note that the itemscope and itemtype attributes are used to define the type of schema being used, and the itemprop attribute is used to specify which property each element represents.

Here's an example of the code for implementing the Business Review Aggregate Rating Schema in Google:

<div itemscope itemtype="">
  <h1 >Business Name</h1>
  <img  src="/business-image.jpg" alt="Business Image">
  <div itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="">
    <div itemprop="reviewRating" itemscope itemtype="">
      <span >4.5</span> out of
      <span >5</span> based on
      <span itemprop="ratingCount">100</span> reviews.

In this example, we have a Local Business with a name and an image, and a Review Aggregate Rating section that includes the rating value (4.5), the best possible rating value (5), and the number of reviews (100). Note that the itemscope and itemtype attributes are used to define the type of schema being used, and the itemprop attribute is used to specify which property each element represents.

- All From ChatGPT