Search the database table to see if there are any duplicates

You can search the e7u3qf_ip_data table to see if there are any duplicate IP addresses, and then remove the extra rows that have the same IP address. Here's an example of how you could do this:

// Establish a database connection
$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=my_database', 'my_username', 'my_password');

// Find duplicate IP addresses
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT ip_address, COUNT(*) as count FROM e7u3qf_ip_data GROUP BY ip_address HAVING count > 1');
$results = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

// Loop over the duplicate IP addresses and remove the extra rows
foreach ($results as $row) {
  $ip_address = $row['ip_address'];
  $count = $row['count'];

  // Delete the extra rows for this IP address
  $stmt = $pdo->prepare('DELETE FROM e7u3qf_ip_data WHERE ip_address = :ip_address ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT :limit');
  $stmt->bindValue(':ip_address', $ip_address, PDO::PARAM_STR);
  $stmt->bindValue(':limit', $count - 1, PDO::PARAM_INT);

This code uses a SELECT statement to find any IP addresses in the e7u3qf_ip_data table that appear more than once, and then uses a loop to remove the extra rows for each duplicate IP address.

The SELECT statement uses the GROUP BY clause to group the rows by the ip_address column and the COUNT(*) function to count the number of rows in each group. The HAVING clause is used to filter out groups that have a count of 1 (i.e. only one row for that IP address).

The loop over the results array retrieves the IP address and count for each duplicate group, and then uses a DELETE statement to remove the extra rows for that IP address. The DELETE statement uses the ORDER BY clause to sort the rows by ID (assuming that the ID column is unique), and the LIMIT clause to limit the number of rows deleted to the count of duplicates minus one (i.e. leaving one row for each IP address).

Note that this code assumes that you have a unique id column in the e7u3qf_ip_data table that can be used to determine which rows to delete. If you don't have a unique ID column, you may need to use a different approach to determine which rows to delete (e.g. based on the order in which the rows were inserted).

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