To highlight text when the mouse pointer drags over it in HTML and CSS

To highlight text when the mouse pointer drags over it in HTML and CSS, you can use the ::selection pseudo-element in CSS. Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<title>Highlight Text on Drag</title>
		::selection {
			background-color: yellow;
	<p>Select and drag your mouse over this text to highlight it.</p>
	<p>Only the text that you drag over will be highlighted.</p>

In the code above, we have defined the ::selection pseudo-element and applied the background-color property to it. When the user selects and drags their mouse over any part of the text on the page, the background color of the selected text changes to yellow, indicating that it has been highlighted. You can modify the CSS code to use different colors or styles as desired.


ExampleHighlight Text on Drag

Select and drag your mouse over this text to highlight it.

Only the text that you drag over will be highlighted.


How to unlock or open a Ford F150 without a key

Unlocking a Ford F150 without a key can be a bit challenging, but there are a few methods you can try if you find yourself in this situation:

  1. Use a slim jim: A slim jim is a long, flat tool that is used to unlock car doors without a key. Slide the slim jim between the window and the weatherstripping, and manipulate the locking mechanism to unlock the door.

  2. Use a coat hanger: Straighten a wire coat hanger and bend one end into a hook shape. Slide the hook end through the window and try to manipulate the locking mechanism to unlock the door.

  3. Call a locksmith: If you are unable to unlock the door yourself, it may be best to call a locksmith who has the necessary tools and experience to unlock the door without causing damage.

  4. Use a spare key: If you have a spare key that is located somewhere else, such as at home, you may be able to have someone bring it to you or have it delivered to your location.

It's important to note that attempting to unlock a car door without a key can be dangerous and can cause damage to the car. If you are unable to unlock the door using one of the methods above, it may be best to call for professional assistance.

Here's a simple circuit diagram for a flashing light using an LED and a capacitor

      |       |
      |      === C1
      |       |
      LED     |
      |       |
     === R1

Here are the components you will need:

  • LED (any color)
  • Capacitor (between 1uF and 100uF)
  • Resistor (between 100 ohms and 1k ohms)
  • Battery or power supply (DC voltage between 3V and 12V)

Here's how the circuit works:

  1. When the power supply is turned on, the capacitor C1 starts to charge through the resistor R1.
  2. As the capacitor charges, the voltage across it gradually increases.
  3. When the voltage across the capacitor reaches the forward voltage of the LED, the LED turns on and the capacitor discharges through the LED.
  4. As the capacitor discharges, the voltage across it decreases until it's no longer enough to keep the LED on.
  5. When the LED turns off, the capacitor starts charging again and the cycle repeats.

The flashing rate of the LED can be adjusted by changing the values of the capacitor and resistor. A larger capacitor or a larger resistor will result in a slower flashing rate, while a smaller capacitor or a smaller resistor will result in a faster flashing rate.

Here's a simple JavaScript code for an amortizing loan calculator

function calculateLoan() {
  var principal = document.getElementById("principal").value;
  var interestRate = document.getElementById("interestRate").value;
  var term = document.getElementById("term").value;
  var monthlyRate = interestRate/1200;
  var monthlyPayment = (principal * monthlyRate) / (1 - Math.pow(1 + monthlyRate, -term));
  var balance = principal;
  var table = "<table><tr><th>Month</th><th>Payment</th><th>Principal</th><th>Interest</th><th>Balance</th></tr>";
  for (var i = 1; i <= term; i++) {
    var interest = balance * monthlyRate;
    var principalPaid = monthlyPayment - interest;
    balance -= principalPaid;
    table += "<tr><td>" + i + "</td><td>$" + monthlyPayment.toFixed(2) + "</td><td>$" + principalPaid.toFixed(2) + "</td><td>$" + interest.toFixed(2) + "</td><td>$" + balance.toFixed(2) + "</td></tr>";
  table += "</table>";
  document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = table;

This code takes input values for the loan principal, interest rate, and term from the user, and calculates the monthly payment, principal paid, interest paid, and loan balance for each month using a for loop. The output is displayed in an HTML table using the innerHTML property. The toFixed() method is used to format the output to two decimal places.

You can use this code in an HTML document with a form that has input fields for the loan details and a button that calls the calculateLoan() function. For example:

  <label for="principal">Loan Amount:</label>
  <input type="text" id="principal" name="principal"><br>

  <label for="interestRate">Interest Rate:</label>
  <input type="text" id="interestRate" name="interestRate"><br>

  <label for="term">Loan Term (months):</label>
  <input type="text" id="term" name="term"><br>

  <button type="button" onclick="calculateLoan()">Calculate</button>

<div id="output"></div>

This code will display the loan calculator form and the output table in the HTML document.

- All From ChatGPT