you can use browser cookies to ensure that the popup is displayed only once for each user

Yes, you can use browser cookies to ensure that the popup is displayed only once for each user. Here's an updated example that adds a cookie to track whether the popup has already been displayed:

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<title>Hello Popup</title>
<body onload="showDelayedPopup()">
		function showDelayedPopup() {
			// Check if the cookie exists
			if (document.cookie.indexOf("popupDisplayed=true") == -1) {
				setTimeout(function() {
					// Set the cookie to indicate that the popup has been displayed
					document.cookie = "popupDisplayed=true; max-age=86400; path=/"; // expires in 1 day (86400 seconds)
				}, 5000); // wait 5 seconds before showing popup

In this updated code, we have added an if statement to check if a cookie named popupDisplayed with a value of true exists. If the cookie does not exist, the popup will be displayed after a 5-second delay using the setTimeout() function. After the popup is displayed, a new cookie named popupDisplayed with a value of true and an expiration time of 1 day (86400 seconds) is created using the document.cookie property.

If the user visits the page again and the popupDisplayed cookie exists, the popup will not be displayed again because the if statement will evaluate to false.

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