Here's a more complete example of a click-through ad script

Here's a more complete example of a click-through ad script that includes some best practices for tracking clicks and ensuring the ad is accessible:

<!-- HTML code for the ad -->
<a href="" id="ad-link" aria-label="Advertisement" target="_blank">
  <img src="/ad-image.jpg" alt="Advertisement">

<!-- JavaScript code for the ad -->
  // Get a reference to the ad link
  var adLink = document.getElementById('ad-link');

  // Add a click event listener to the ad link
  adLink.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
    // Track the click using analytics code or ad platform code
    // ...

    // Open the ad destination URL in a new tab
    var adUrl = adLink.href;, '_blank');

    // Prevent the default behavior of the link

Let's break down the code:

  • The a element includes an href attribute with the URL of the ad destination, an id attribute for targeting the element with JavaScript, an aria-label attribute for accessibility, and a target="_blank" attribute to open the ad in a new tab. The img element includes an alt attribute for accessibility.

  • The JavaScript code gets a reference to the ad link using document.getElementById(), and adds a click event listener to it using addEventListener(). Inside the event listener, you can add tracking code to track the ad click, either using analytics code or ad platform code.

  • The method opens the ad destination URL in a new tab, using the _blank value for the target parameter. This ensures that the user stays on your website while the ad opens in a new tab.

  • Finally, we prevent the default behavior of the link using event.preventDefault(), to avoid any unintended actions from the user clicking on the ad.

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